Vogue was founded by Arthur Turnure and published its first issue of Vogue in the Britain in 1916. This was a huge success, which caused the magazine to become more global and versions in Spain, Italy and France were published within the next few years. Today there are 23 editions of Vogue that are released monthly worldwide. Today everyone knows how huge Vogue has become, which is one of the reasons its thought to be a more elegant magazine. The magazine featuring some of the worlds most famous celebrities just shows how popular Vogue is, as smaller magazines would be less likely to have agreements to feature the celebrities.
The language of the front cover is used to attract the magazine to the correct audience. “Emma Watson comes of age” is the feature story of the issue, The fact she “comes of age” is a way to keep the target audience being sophisticated woman, as Emma was known as a teen star and therefore would of featured in teen magazines in the past.
Vogue is seen as the largest fashion magazine in the world for woman, so the main form of ideology is to keep that high quality look. The layout is kept simple and sophisticated to maintain this. The target audience being woman is made very clear from the cover, as the model is always female. The story lines are also all women dominated, in this case “How to do dazzling evening make-up” is an example. Another way the magazine keeps it high quality image is the look of the models, This is done with their clothing and make-up. Considering the models are always dressed elegantly in what looks like expensive clothing and not in teenage fashion, means older women are drawn to Vogue. The models are also usually wearing toned down make-up, and real woman would prefer this natural look.
Vogue is a magazine aimed towards sophisticated woman with an interest in fashion. The continuous look of Vogue is simple, elegant and professional which is what attracts the readers. The most popular range of readers for Vogue are females ages 25-34. The audience will most likely earn average income so stories such as “party dressing for under £150” relates to them wanting an amazing deal. “the new forever pieces” also does this as the idea of a clothing piece being in fashion forever, makes the purchase feel worthwhile.
The “how to do dazzling evening make-up” will attract the audience as they would like to learn how to do professional looking make-up looks themselves.
Emma Watson is the covergirl for this issue of Vogue, She is a suitable model for the magazine as she represents the image of Vogue. Emma Watson is a well known actress, so the fact she is on the cover would attract readers, considering she would have many offers to model and she has accepted this. Emma is dressed in a simple and elegant white dress which does not stand out from the background, most readers would not want to wear clothes that gain a lot of attention, so the fact it features clothing like this will draw readers in. Since the audience are women and not teenagers the fact she “comes of age” is appealing to the different age groups of readers.
Contents page
The contents page of Vogue has the masthead from the cover, however “vogue” is written in lower case and not capitals here, which shows a difference between the two pages. The masthead is repeated here so readers are well aware of the magazine they are reading. Above the masthead is the actual title being “Contents December 2010”, this is in a smaller font leaving the mast head being the main focus.The stories in the magazine have been organised into different categories, which are “Vogue stars”, “beauty” and “regulars”. These categories are in a bold colour that is very different to the rest of the pages colour scheme which means your attention is immediately drawn to them. Vogue stars will immediately gain the most attention as the readers are interested in the celebrities featured, and want the latest news and fashion tips from them. “Vogue star signs” is one of the main stories, there is a picture for this as the months star sign is sagittarius, The picture makes the story more noticed and is easier to find because of the larger page number.
The layout of the contents page continues the sophisticated look for Vogue, which is what attracts the readers. One part of the contents page that stands out is the "Vogue star signs" Sagittarius photo shoot. Many woman have an interest in star signs and reading their horoscope, so placing this as the pages main picture gains attention from those, especially those who are a Sagittarius. The main image from the front cover is also on this page in the bottom right, this includes information on the cover look, which gains interest considering most woman would like to achieve the cover girl look. The simplicity of the layout, and small range of colours also keeps this professional look, this shows the high quality of the magazine.
You can see the audience are in thought for this contents page, as the way it is represented follows the magazines theme. The simple column layout, that lists the issues stories is easy for the audience to follow. The subtitles organise the stories into groups, allowing the readers to easily locate what page they want. Each page in the magazine has a little summary, saying what is featured on that page. This relates to the audience as it saves them having to flick through all the pages to see what they feature. The outfits in both of the pages pictures are very high end fashion, this is what Vogue is known for, as having these outfits on the page keep the right image for the readers.
The contents page is represented in the classic Vogue style. The logo is at the top of the page in large font, and becomes one of the main focuses. Apart from that, the image is another main focus, this is of a model representing "Sagittarius", which is a star sign. Although the page is very full, with the other pages information and pictures, it still appears to be very spacious. The white background helps this illusion, and the bold coloured text, black and red is what immediately catches your eye, leaving the page to appear less cramped together.
Emma Watson's cover shoot is shown on this page once again, and as she is being presented as a woman representing Vogue, and is another reminder of the magazine you have purchased.
Two page spread

One aspect of this two page spread that really stands out is that there is no mast head. Instead, what grabs your attention is the large letter "I" which jumps straight into the article. This opening sentence is actually a question "Is Emma Watson a bit of a madam?", this rhetorical question is an attempt to earn the readers attention, in hope of making them want to know the answer and read on. The only other piece of text that stands out from the rest is the drop quote in the bottom left. This is a quote of Emma's that could be seen as the articles title, "I'm not a woman yet. but I'm not a girl any more" as it summarises the written piece well. The article itself is not an interview, however its full of quotes from Emma, These quotes are used to support the writers findings as evidence to what is written.
The two photos of Emma take up around half of the page, In these photos she is represented relevantly to the magazines main story of her, "Emma Watson comes of age". The article itself is about her growing up, and in these photos she is shown posing more elegantly in more sophisticated clothing. The text has been arranged to fit around her image on the right, which appears to be a more professional layout for a magazine such as Vogue. There is little colour on this two page spread, mainly just black and white, which works well considering the two images are large, so the page does not appear to be too busy.
These pages appeal to the audience, of woman ages around 24-34, due to the design, layout and the story itself. This celebrity featured is a famous actress who is known worldwide for her roles, so that alone appeals to the audience considering as hey would be interested in her career, They will have more of an interest now she has come of age. Some maybe attracted to the clothing she wears, as the readers of Vogue are interested in fashion. There is information on the styling and clothing featured at the right hand side for the audience.
This two page spread is represented as most pages are in Vogue, simple, elegant and sophisticated. I believe the continuous simple font on a page shows the magazine is for serious readers, as any other font may make the page appear to be from a teenagers magazine, and Vogue want to avoid falling into that category to meet readers expectations. The white background and the solid black of the writing and clothing, work to make what is important stand out. Here Emma is represented as a professional model, the choice of clothes and poses give her that professional look, and anyone who did not know her would mistake her for a model. This is a way to keep the reputation and value of Vogue where is should be, as it has been presented as the worlds most popular fashion magazine for years.